Monday, September 10, 2012

due Tuesday 9/11 and Thursday 9/14

For tomorrow (Tuesday), please remember to bring a thoughtful and relevant prop for your skit.  You'll have about 15 minutes at the start of class to finish up writing your skits before you present them.

For Thursday, please read pages 3-23 in the Brinkley text and create a timeline of 10 key events from the chapter.  These can be specific dates or more general if there's something you think you should include but can't find a specific date for it.  For each event, record the name of the event, its date, a brief summary and its significance (what larger themes or ideas does it reflect?).  I'll give you a template timeline in class tomorrow (Tuesday), but you can also just make your own on a piece of notebook paper if you're looking to get started tonight.

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