Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Block HW: Due 2/26

Write a brief (1-2 paragraph) reflection about your iCivics court activities. This reflection should answer the following questions:

    • What information that you had already learned was reinforced in this activity? 
    • What new information did you learn about the courts from this activity?  
Make specific references to aspects of the game in your response. This reflection can be typed or neatly written.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

chapters 7 and 8 project, icivics directions for class

Here is the project description for chapters 7 and 8 - due in class on Friday 3/6
Here is a student project from last year to give you an idea of what the film part might look like.  

iCivics/the judicial branch:  to be done in class on Wednesday 2/25 (A block) or Thursday 2/26 (G block)

Return to the iCivics website ( and select any of the following simulations to play:
Supreme Decision
Court Quest
Argument Wars
Branches of Powers

Friday, February 6, 2015

due next week (2/9-2/13) and important update about these assignments

Please note that these assignments will not change due to snow days, so plan to keep up with the reading as it's outlined below.
*If you need to do any makeups on these assignments:  I do not expect you to have everything made up tomorrow, or even by the end of the week.  However, I will expect you to have what's due for Thursday and Friday's meetings and be caught up by the Monday after vacation for all the assignments to count for full credit.  It's your responsibility to show me any missed work.

A block:
notes on 204-209 for Monday 2/9
notes on 209-214 for Tuesday 2/10
notes on 216-224 for Wednesday 2/11
notes on 224-233 for Friday 2/13

G block:
notes on 194-204 for Monday 2/9
notes on 204-209 for Tuesday 2/10
notes on 209-214 for Wednesday 2/11
notes on 216-224 for Thursday 2/12
notes on 225-233 can all be done for Monday after break (it doesn't make sense to split the reading into parts)

Click here for directions for the activity we'll be doing with the iPads in class.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

chapters 7 and 8 readings

A block:
Notes on 194-204 for Friday 2/6

G block:
Finish the timeline for Thursday 2/5
Notes on 194-204 for Monday 2/9

You'll be reading the entirety of these chapters this and next week (the first has a lot of pictures, and the second is short), so feel free to get ahead if you want.