Wednesday, September 13, 2017

This site is no longer being updated.

For current class information, please visit

Monday, September 11, 2017

Due Friday 9/15

Please read and take notes on pages 21-30.  Please be sure to read and follow the expectations for note-taking as outlined here.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First post of the 2017-18 school year

Welcome back! You can find the course syllabus (also given out in class on the first day) linked here.  Please remember to read and sign (and have a parent read and sign) the syllabus, complete the short technology survey at the end, and return the last page of the document with the signatures on or before the start of class Friday 9/8.

Due Monday 9/11: response to the first section of Brinkley chapter 1.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Due dates for 5/31-6/9 and final project guidelines

Due Wednesday 5/31:  preliminary thesis and outline
Due Friday 6/2:  submit 3-5 internal/parenthetical citations you plan to use in the paper.  Include the full source information for each citation.  This step will count for 10 points, not the 20 indicated on the assignment sheet.
Due Tuesday 6/6:  first draft - peer editing in class - please be sure to bring a *printed copy* to class
Due Friday 6/9:  final draft  (you may want to try this method of targeted editing before completing your final draft)

If you missed the Old Hall work on Tuesday 5/30, here is the reading (read p. 338-56) and the organizer.

Here are the general guidelines for the final project.  More specific guidelines are below:
- Please remember that you need to create a product.  Be prepared to share your creation with the class during the scheduled final exam period.
-The final product will be your choice:  you may choose one of the options from the list, or come up with your own!
- You may work with a partner (from either my A or C block classes) or on your own.
- To show your understanding of the scope of U.S. history you learned this year, you will need to trace the theme by demonstrating how it manifested itself in 5-10 historical eras or events within the timeframe of the course (pre-Columbian America through the end of Reconstruction).  Since you did not have a project or test on the Civil War and Reconstruction, be sure to represent this period in your project.  Beyond that specific requirement, be sure that the other periods you select are varied (e.g. don't use four different examples from the Age of Jackson).
- You will have three periods of class time to work on this next week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (long block) for A block; part of Tuesday's long block, Thursday, Friday and the following Monday for C block)
- If you can bring a device (laptop or tablet) to work with next week, please do so.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

next unit reading and research paper due dates

You can find the two documents with the textbook reading for the next unit linked below.  You will have reading assignments due over the next few weeks, but never on the same days as a research step is due.

As a reminder, notes need to be your own, original, handwritten notes to receive credit for a notes check, or to be used on a reading check/quiz.  Remember to structure them by including headings, subheading and page numbers, and by underlining or otherwise highlighting key terms.

Chapter 9/Manifest Destiny and Chapter 10/The Union in Crisis
p. 297-304 due Tuesday 5/9 for C, Wednesday 5/10 for A
305-310 due Thursday 5/11 (both classes)
Preliminary works cited page due Friday 5/12 (both classes)
p. 311-315 due Monday 5/15 and p. 323-329 due Thursday 5/18 for C block
p. 311-315 and 323-329 due Thursday 5/18 for A block
p. 331-338 due Friday 5/19 (both classes)
p. 339-345 due Monday 5/22 for C block, Tuesday 5/23 for A block
p. 346-353 due Tuesday 5/23 for C block, Wednesday 5/24 for A block

C block:  5 kahoot questions (each with 1 right and 3 wrong answers) due by Wednesday 5/24 at 2:45

Multiple choice quiz with one very short (a few sentences) open-ended writing prompt on ch. 9 and 10 from the alternate textbook (Manifest Destiny and the Crisis of Union) on Friday 5/26 - plan on having work time for research papers following the quiz in class.
For review:
Here are the documents from the 1850's we looked at and analyzed in class.  The second to last document are the last words of John Brown.  The last document, the artwork Tragic Prelude, can be viewed in color here.
Also, you may find the last 15-20 minutes of America:  The Story of US "Westward" episode (from 32 minutes to the end) and the "Division" episode (30-43 minutes) to be helpful in your reviewing.
Here's the kahoot from class.

Preliminary thesis and outline due Wednesday 5/31 (C block:  since you do not have class on Wednesday, be sure to drop off your printed work to me in room 336 by the end of the day).

Oregon Trail link - please open in class when directed!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Research Paper Resources and America: Story of Us

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Here is a link to a folder on GoogleDrive that has a number of resources that will support you as you write your research papers. They address everything from formulating a working thesis to creating a works cited to polishing your final draft. Feel free to take a look and download anything that you think will be useful.  *Be aware that some requirements mentioned in these resources are for an A level class, and will be slightly different for H level (see the actual assignment description if you have questions).*

Here is the actual assignment description for A and C blocks.  Pre-search is due Monday 5/8 for C block and Tuesday 5/7 for A block.  The page of notes for this stage is *optional* and notes will not be collected for points (you can take notes, though, if you think they will help you).  The most important part is that you think seriously about a topic and read about it before we meet in the Media Center next week (Monday for C block, Tuesday for A) so you can make the best use of the time there.  Step 2 (works cited) will be due at the end of next week, to give you time to seek out sources from other places (e.g. the Robbins Library, or Minuteman Library Network in general) if you wish.

Also, here is the link to the America:  the Story of Us "Division" episode.  The relevant segment from this unit starts at the beginning and ends around 30 minutes into the clip.